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    Full Implementation of Sand Harbor’s Day Use Reservations

    Day-use reservations will be required daily during the park’s peak season, from April 15 to October 15.

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Notice of public comment period on the Language Access Plan (LAP)

UPDATE: Public Comment has closed. 

The Nevada Division of State Parks (NDSP) is asking for public comments from interested persons regarding the Language Access Plan. The purpose of the LAP is to ensure that NDSP takes reasonable steps to provide Limited English Proficiency (LEP) individuals and individuals with visual or hearing impairments with meaningful and timely access to all of its programs, activities, and services.This LAP is intended to satisfy the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, its implementing regulations and guidance documents, and Nevada Senate Bill 318 (2021). The public comment period is intended to promote transparency by having a forum for stakeholders and community members to provide feedback and recommendations.

Access the Draft LAP here: Language Access Plan Draft

Submit comments via email to: Janice Keillor at jkeillor@parks.nv.gov

or by mail at:

Nevada Division of State Parks
Atten: Janice Keillor
901 S. Stewart St. Suite 5005
Carson City, NV 89701

When submitting, please follow these tips for effective comments:

  • Support your comments with substantive data, facts, and opinions. When possible, provide your lived experience in your comment.
  • Clearly identify the section within the LAP that you are commenting on and include the section number. Although comments should be clear and concise, there is no minimum or maximum length for an effective comment.
  • If you disagree with an aspect of the LAP, suggest an alternative and include an explanation and/or analysis of how the alternative might meet the same objective or be more effective.
  • Include pros and cons and trade-offs in your comment. Consider other points of view and respond to them with your views. Include examples of how the proposed LAP program and activities would impact your life and work positively or negatively.

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