Starry, Starry Night
Come experience the awesome night sky over Fort Churchill State Historic Park. Enjoy an unaided tour (no telescopes) of our celestial neighborhood while talking about the night sky as a remarkable natural resource to be celebrated and enjoyed. Participants are encouraged to bring a red light and lawn chairs or blankets. Program is intended for adults and children ten years of age and older. Weather dependent.
WHEN: Saturday, September 7, 2024, 8:00 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.
WHERE: Meet at the Fort Churchill Museum. Fort Churchill is located 8 miles south of the Highway 95A/Highway 50 intersection on Highway 95A at 10000 Highway 95A, Silver Springs, NV 89429.
WHO: The program is open to the public and hosted by Fort Churchill State Historic Park.
COST: Park entrance fees apply, $5.00 per vehicle ($10.00 non-Nevada vehicles). There is no additional cost to participate in the program.
CONTACT: Kristin Sanderson, 775-577-2345,