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    Full Implementation of Sand Harbor’s Day Use Reservations

    Day-use reservations will be required daily during the park’s peak season, from April 15 to October 15.

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March Hike of the Month

Valley of Fire State Park

In March, we're featuring the White Domes Loop on Fridays! *


WHAT: White Domes Loop is a 1 mile loop trail over loose sand and rocky terrain featuring a slot canyon and the remains of an old movie set. There are uneven stone steps on this trail. 

The trail will be marked with tealights to guide the way on our self-guided night hikes, but please bring your own flashlight with a red, blue, or green setting.


WHERE: Trailhead and parking lot 5 miles north of the Visitor Center on White Domes Road/Mouse's Tank Road. MEET AT TRAILHEAD.



3/14: Self-guided Full Moon Hike ** (Arrive 7:30-8:30pm, be back in your vehicle no later than 9pm)

3/21: Guided Morning Hike (6:45-8am)

3/28: Self-guided New Moon Hike ** (Arrive 7:45-8:45pm, be back in your vehicle no later than 9:15pm)



No reservation required (this month)!

E-mail kwolfe@parks.nv.gov with questions


* Each month, a trail is featured for guests to experience in different ways: Illuminated by the full moon, under the stars, along a guided hike at sunrise, and on your own during operating hours. The day of the full moon determines which day of the week these opportunities occur each month.

** Note that the park CLOSES at Sunset. Guests are only permitted to hike the trails at night if they are actively participating in one of these events.

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